How AI and automation will shape our future?
Due to technological advancements like automation, robots, and artificial intelligence the world is changing rapidly. One of the questions that keep coming up is how AI and automation will shape our future?
In my opinion, there can be four possible scenarios in the next few years.
Scenario 1: Balanced Workforce Between Human and AI
Future research in AI might experience a setback due to limited computing power and inferior training data. We might be able to fully automate a few systems like driving, customer-client networks to name a few.
We must remember that some jobs require multiple skills like social skills, analytical knowledge, rational thinking, creativity, strategic goals, etc. As a result of it, human labor will remain in demand and we would be able to automate certain tasks and might not be able to automate others.
Scenario 2: Abandon AI Altogether
From a technological standpoint, we would be able to achieve full automation but from a cultural point of view, people will choose to discard AI altogether.
Scenario 3: Worldwide Controlled AI
Due to the recent advancements in quantum computing, universal automation will be achieved. Monitoring data online and offline within legal boundaries through highly optimized sensors will provide steady and superior training data.
AI will be able to understand complex patterns, environment, and behavior. This will not only substitute human labor but also establish a distinct economic, social, and political system.
The increasing number of unemployment can be fulfilled by creating a human experience-based economy like handicraft, human care, cooking, etc.
Scenario 4: Complete Power to AI
In this scenario, corporate monopolies will have complete control of the automated systems and most of the data. This will disrupt the economy because the power and money will be controlled by a limited number of people. There will only be jobs for some elite groups whose profession cannot be automated or who directly gain from automation. By adapting full automation, the human mind will be at risk of not understanding some intricacies of AI.
This is different from scenario 3 as this scenario stresses financial gain to a limited number of people whereas the former focuses on building an alternate system for the society that is more controlled.
What are my views on the scenarios?
In my opinion, we will see scenario 1 probably within the next 5 years which will eventually turn into scenario 3 with further advancements (like usage of quantum computers) in AI, robotics, and automation. Scenario 2 looks a bit extreme as people are getting adapted to automation and realizing its benefits. Similarly, bigger companies are open sourcing their codes, research developments, and data which is for the betterment of the society and not for personal gain. Hence, we can also rule out scenario 4.
In a few years, humans and robots/automation will coexist and create a hybrid environment in both works and in personal life.
Ok, but how does this impact relationships?
Personal Relationship: We have already seen that AI, robots, and automation are altering our decision-making process. We are experiencing more and more AI-assisted cloud services (like Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, etc) in our lives. People are relying on humanoid robots and virtual reality to fulfill their personal needs.
Workplace Relationship: AI will change the relationship between people and technology. Managers will have a different role to play. Robots are better at conveying unbiased opinion and time management therefore using robots in management will boost companies’ productivity. On the other hand, managers are better at understanding emotions and training employees.
Employees can focus on strategic work like market research, revenue opportunity, innovation while automation can handle mundane tasks like financial reporting, improving customer service through AI chatbot.
within the next few years, AI and automation will continue to improve through transfer learning and meta-learning, and eventually, we will witness a worldwide controlled AI/automation as mentioned in scenario 3.
So what do you think about AI and automation?
Feel free to reach out to me on Linkedin.